Week 6
According to the standardised definition of the International Labour Organization (ILO):
\[ \text{Unemployment Rate} = \frac{U}{\mathcal{Q}} \]
\[ \text{Participation Rate} = \frac{\mathcal{Q}}{N} \]
\[ \frac{\text{Employment}}{\text{Population}} = \frac{Q-U}{N} \]
Why Do Economists Care about Unemployment?
When unemployment is high:
What about when unemployment is low?
To give you a sense of scale, other studies suggest that this decrease in happiness is close to the decrease triggered by a divorce or a separation.
The key idea of efficiency wage theories is that there are benefits of paying higher wages to employees.
Among suggested reasons, the following received the most attention:
We begin with a simple efficiency wage model due to Solow (1979).
No capital for simplicity; labour is the only factor of production.
There is a large number \(N\) of firms and a representative firm maximizes profits:
\[ \pi = Y - wL, \]
where \(Y\) is the firm’s output, \(w\) is the wage that it pays, and \(L\) is the amount of labor it hires.
Output depends on the number of workers and on their effort; that is, \(Y = F(eL)\).
Thus, the representative firm’s output is given by:
\[ \pi = F(eL) - wL, \quad F'(\bullet) > 0,\ F''(\bullet) < 0, \]
where \(e\) is workers’ effort (so that \(eL\) is effective labour).
Assume effort \(e\) is an increasing function of the wage:
\[ e = e(w), \quad e'(\bullet) > 0. \]
For now, we are interested in the implications (not the precise reasons).
There are \(\bar{L}\) workers, each supplying 1 unit of labour inelastically
\(\Rightarrow\) i.e., they are prepared to work at any wage.
A representative firm solves \[ \max_{L,w}\; F(e(w)L) - wL. \quad \text{(Equation $\ref{eq:max_profit}$)} \]
There are two cases:
In either case, the firm is free to choose its employment level.
The first-order condition (FOC) with respect to \(L\) yields:
\[ F'(e(w)L) = \frac{w}{e(w)}. \quad \text{(Equation $\ref{eq:foc_L}$)} \]
That is, the marginal product of effective labour equals its unit cost \(\frac{w}{e(w)}\).
Note: When a firm hires a worker, it obtains \(e(w)\) units of effective labour.
When the firm is unconstrained and sets its wage freely, the FOC with respect to \(w\) from the profit maximization yields:
\[ F'(e(w)L)\, L\, e'(w) - L = 0. \]
Substituting for \(F'(e(w)L)\) from the earlier condition and rearranging, we obtain:
\[ \frac{w\, e'(w)}{e(w)} = 1. \quad \text{(Equation $\ref{eq:efficiency_wage}$)} \]
That is, at the optimum, the elasticity of effort with respect to wage is 1.
The firm wants to hire effective labour \(eL\) as cheaply as possible.
Equation \(\frac{w\, e'(w)}{e(w)} = 1\) defines the efficiency wage that minimizes the unit cost of effective labour (i.e. it solves \(\min_{w} \frac{w}{e(w)}\))
Put differently, the optimal \(w\) maximizes effort per dollar spent, \(e(w)/w\).
\[ \frac{w\, e'(w)}{e(w)} = 1 \]
Let \(L^*\) and \(w^*\) denote the values that satisfy Equations \(\ref{eq:foc_L}\) and \(\ref{eq:efficiency_wage}\).
Since all firms are identical, the total labour demand at \(w^*\) is \(N L^*\).
If \(N L^* < \bar{L}\):
If \(N L^* > \bar{L}\):
In 1914, Henry Ford instituted a $5-a-day minimum wage for his workers.
This was double the prevailing wage at the time!
Ford himself stated:
“There was… no charity in any way involved. … The payment of $5 a day for an eight hour day was one of the finest cost cutting moves we ever made.”
Unemployment and GDP
Why Extend the Basic Model?
The extended model now includes:
New Effort Function:
\[ e = e\bigl(w,\,w_a,\,u\bigr), \]
Effort Function
e \;=\; e\bigl(w,\,w_a,\,u\bigr),
subject to \[ \frac{\partial e}{\partial w} \;>\; 0,\quad \frac{\partial e}{\partial w_a} \;<\; 0,\quad \frac{\partial e}{\partial u} \;>\; 0. \]
Intuition: 1. Higher own wage (\(w\)) raises a worker’s effort. 2. Higher outside wage (\(w_a\)) lowers effort (because alternative jobs look better). 3. Higher unemployment (\(u\)) raises effort (fear of job loss).
Production Side:
Let the firm’s production be
Profit Maximization:
Choose \(w\) to balance wage costs against effort gains.
When the firm is price-taking in both product and labor markets, the key first-order conditions can be rearranged to: \[ F'\!\bigl(e(w,w_a,u)\,L\bigr) \;=\; \frac{w}{\,e(w,w_a,u)}, \] \[ w \;\frac{\partial e/\partial w}{\,e(w,w_a,u)} \;=\; 1. \]
- The marginal product of effective labor, \(F'\), must equal the ratio of the wage to effort.
- The elasticity of effort with respect to the firm’s own wage is exactly 1 in equilibrium.
\[ e = \begin{cases} \left(\frac{w - x}{x}\right)^{\beta} & \text{if } w > x, \\[5pt] 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
where \[ x = (1 - b\,u)w_{a}. \]
Parameters: - \(0 < \beta < 1\). - \(b > 0\) measures how strongly unemployment, \(u\), affects a worker’s perceived outside options.
Mechanics: - If \(w \le x\), workers exert no effort. - For \(w > x\), effort increases less than proportionally with \((w - x)\).
The economy has:
A large number of workers \(\bar{L}\) and firms \(N\).
Workers maximize lifetime utility:
\[ U = \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-\rho t} u_{t} \, dt,\quad \rho > 0 \] where \(u_{t}\) is the instantaneous utility at time \(t\) and \(\rho\) is the discount rate.
Instantaneous utility:
\[ u_{t} = \begin{cases} w_{t} - e_{t}, & \text{if employed, effort exerted} \\ 0, & \text{if unemployed} \end{cases} \]
Effort \(e_{t}\) has two levels: \(e_{t} = 0\) (shirking) or \(e_{t} = \bar{e} > 0\) (effort).
\[ u_{t} = \begin{cases} w_{t} - e_{t}, & \text{if employed, effort exerted} \\ 0, & \text{if unemployed} \end{cases} \]
At any moment in time, a worker can be in one of three states:
Transitions between states follow simple Poisson processes.
\[ P(t) = e^{-b(t - t_0)} \]
\(q\) is the probability per unit time that a shirker is detected.
\(q\) is exogenous and independent of the job separation rate \(b\).
Firms detect shirkers and fire them.
The probability that a shirker is still employed after time \(\tau\) is \(e^{-q\tau} \times e^{-b\tau}\).
Combined, the survival probability (no detection and job still exists) is:
\[ P(t) = e^{-(b+q)\tau}. \]
Can \(q \rightarrow \infty\)?
Definition: Probability per unit time that an unemployed worker finds a job is \(a\).
Steady-State Condition:
\[ b \cdot E = a \cdot U \]
Expression for \(a\):
\[ a = \frac{NL b}{\overline{L} - NL} \quad \text{(Equation $\ref{eq:equilibrium_a}$)} \]
Economic Implications:
\[ \pi(t) = F\bigl(\bar{e}\,L(t)\bigr) - w(t)\bigl[L(t) + S(t)\bigr] \quad \text{(Equation $\ref{eq:firm_profit}$)} \]
where \(F'(\bullet) > 0\) and \(F''(\bullet) < 0\).
Firm’s Objective: - Maximize instantaneous profits \(\pi(t)\) by choosing: - A wage \(w\) high enough to deter shirking. - The employment level \(L(t)\) at the profit-maximizing point. - Higher wages reduce shirking (i.e. \(S(t) \to 0\)) but increase wage costs.
\[ \bar{e}\,F'\!\left(\frac{\bar{e}\,\overline{L}}{N}\right) > \bar{e}, \quad \text{or} \quad F'(\bar{e}L/N) > 1. \]
Economic Insight: - Without shirking, firms hire until the marginal product equals the cost of hiring. - Imperfect monitoring forces firms to pay efficiency wages to deter shirking, creating equilibrium unemployment. - Higher wages reduce shirking but result in fewer hires, thereby causing involuntary unemployment.
Intuitive Explanation: - The marginal product of labor exceeds the effort cost, which would ensure full employment without monitoring issues. - However, because of imperfect monitoring, firms must pay a premium, leading to unemployment.
Key Idea:
Use value functions to summarize the future in dynamic programming.
State Values: - Let \(V_i\) denote the value of being in state \(i\). - States include: - \(E\): Employment - \(U\): Unemployment - \(S\): Shirking - \(V_i\) represents the expected discounted lifetime utility from the present onward for a worker in state \(i\).
Why Constant? - Transitions among states follow Poisson processes. - In steady state, \(V_i\) is independent of the time a worker has been in a state.
{ As \(\Delta t \to 0\), the constraint that a worker who loses his job during an interval cannot find a new job becomes irrelevant. Hence, \(V_E(\Delta t) \to V_E\) and \(V_U(\Delta t) \to V_U\).}
V_E(\Delta t) = \int_{0}^{\Delta t} e^{-(\rho + b)t}(w - \epsilon) \, dt + e^{-\rho \Delta t} \Bigl[ e^{-b \Delta t} V_E(\Delta t) + \Bigl(1 - e^{-b \Delta t}\Bigr)V_U(\Delta t) \Bigr]
(Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E}\))
This equation has two parts: 1. \[ \int_{0}^{\Delta t} e^{-(\rho + b)t}(w - \epsilon) \, dt \] represents the flow of utility from being employed during \([0, \Delta t]\).
If we compute the integral in Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E}\), we get:
V_E(\Delta t) = \frac{1}{\rho + b} \Bigl(1 - e^{-(\rho + b)\Delta t}\Bigr)(w - \epsilon) + e^{-\rho \Delta t} \Bigl[e^{-b \Delta t} V_E(\Delta t) + \Bigl(1 - e^{-b \Delta t}\Bigr)V_U(\Delta t)\Bigr]
(Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E\_11.25}\))
Solving for \(V_E(\Delta t)\) then gives:
V_E(\Delta t) = \frac{1}{\rho + b}(w - \epsilon) + \frac{1}{1 - e^{-(\rho + b)\Delta t}} e^{-\rho \Delta t} \Bigl[e^{-b \Delta t} V_E(\Delta t) + \Bigl(1 - e^{-b \Delta t}\Bigr)V_U(\Delta t)\Bigr].
(Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E\_11.26}\))
Taking the limit as \(\Delta t \to 0\) yields:
V_E = \frac{1}{\rho + b}(w - \epsilon) + \frac{b}{\rho + b}V_U.
(Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E\_11.27}\))
Think of employment as an “asset” that pays a stream of dividends over time: - Dividends: While employed, the worker earns a utility per unit time given by \(w - \bar{e}\). - When unemployed, no dividends are received. - \(V_E\) is the fair price of such an asset, representing the expected present value of all future dividends (discounted at rate \(\rho\)). - The expected return is \(\rho V_E\) per unit time. - Additionally, there is a probability \(b\) per unit time of a “capital loss” \((V_E - V_U)\) if the worker becomes unemployed.
Thus, we have: \[
\rho V_E = (w - \bar{e}) - b(V_E - V_U)
which is equivalent to Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E\_11.27}\).
Key Insights:
Employment is analogous to an asset that provides:
Balancing these gives:
\[ \rho V_E = (w - \epsilon) - b(V_E - V_U) \]
Rearranging yields:
\[ V_E = \frac{1}{\rho + b}(w - \epsilon) + \frac{b}{\rho + b}V_U. \]
For a worker who is shirking, the “dividend” is \(w\) per unit time, but the rate of job loss is higher at \(b+q\):
\[ \rho V_S = w - (b+q)(V_S - V_U). \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:V_S}\))
For an unemployed worker (receiving no dividend) but who gets a job at rate \(a\):
\[ \rho V_U = a(V_E - V_U). \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:V_U}\))
We assume that if an unemployed worker finds a job, they exert effort (as in equilibrium).
A representative firm’s profit per unit time is given by:
\[ \pi(t) = F\bigl(\bar{e}L(t)\bigr) - w(t)\bigl[L(t) + S(t)\bigr], \quad F'(\bullet)>0,\quad F''(\bullet)<0. \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:firm_profit}\))
Here, \(L\) and \(S\) are the numbers of workers exerting effort and shirking, respectively.
The firm’s challenge: - It must pay enough so that \(V_E \ge V_S\); otherwise, workers will prefer shirking. - The firm optimally chooses \(w\) so that the incentive constraint is just met, i.e. \(V_E = V_S\).
By setting \(V_S = V_E\) in the equation for \(V_S\) and subtracting the equation for \(V_E\), one obtains:
\[ V_E - V_U = \frac{\bar{e}}{q} > 0. \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:incentive_condition}\))
This implies that workers must strictly prefer employment to unemployment; hence, firms pay a premium over the cost of effort \(\bar{e}\).
Subtract \(\rho V_U\) (from Equation \(\ref{eq:V_U}\)) from \(\rho V_E\) (from Equation \(\ref{eq:Value_E\_11.27}\)) to obtain:
\[ \rho(V_E - V_U) = (w - \bar{e}) - (a+b)(V_E - V_U). \]
Substitute \(V_E - V_U = \frac{\bar{e}}{q}\) (from the incentive condition) and solve for \(w\).
w = \bar{e} + (a+b+\rho)\frac{\bar{e}}{q}.
(Equation \(\ref{eq:effort_inducing_wage}\))
In steady state, the number of unemployed is constant; hence, flows into and out of unemployment balance.
Equating flows yields:
\[ a = \frac{NLb}{\bar{L} - NL}. \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:equilibrium_ax}\))
Substitute Equation \(\ref{eq:equilibrium_ax}\) into the wage-inducing condition to get the NSC:
\[ w = \bar{e} + \left( \rho + \frac{\bar{L}}{\bar{L} - NL} \, b \right) \frac{\bar{e}}{q}. \] (Equation \(\ref{eq:nsc}\))
The no-shirking wage is an increasing function of aggregate employment:
The FOC of a firm’s profit function with respect to \(L\) yields:
\[ \bar{e}\, F'(\bar{e}L^*) = w. \]
Firms hire until the marginal product of labor equals the wage.
This implies a downward sloping aggregate labor demand, \(L^D = NL^*\).
Without monitoring issues, Walrasian equilibrium would occur at point \(E^W\) where \(L^D\) meets the inelastic labor supply \(\bar{L}\) (i.e. full employment, provided \(F'\) at full employment exceeds \(\bar{e}\)).
An increase in the shirking detection rate \(q\) shifts the NSC downward: - The equilibrium wage falls and employment rises. - Intuition: Better monitoring reduces the need to pay a premium to deter shirking. - As \(q \to \infty\), the economy approaches the Walrasian equilibrium.
If the job separation rate \(b\) falls to 0, there is no turnover and unemployed workers are never hired. - In this case, the no-shirking wage simplifies to \[ \bar{e} + \frac{\rho\,\bar{e}}{q}, \] so the NSC becomes flat and independent of employment. - Intuition: Workers only consider the cost of effort and the risk of permanently losing employment when contemplating shirking.
Note: Homework invites you to conduct some additional exercises.
Search and Matching
\[ \text{Unemployment Rate} = \frac{U}{\mathcal{Q}} \]
\[ \text{Participation Rate} = \frac{\mathcal{Q}}{N} \]
\[ \frac{\text{Employment}}{\text{Population}} = \frac{Q-U}{N} \]
\(\Rightarrow\) Instead, matching of workers and jobs occurs through a complex process of search and matching.
Search and matching models are relatively complicated, so we will focus only on the basic framework and main issues.
\[ M_t = M(U_t, V_t), \quad M_U > 0,\quad M_V > 0. \]
\[ M(U_t,V_t) = U_t\, M\left(1,\frac{V_t}{U_t}\right) = U_t\, m(\theta_t), \]
where \(\theta \equiv \frac{V_t}{U_t}\) is the labour market tightness and \(m(\theta) \equiv M(1,\theta)\).
\[ a_t = \frac{M(U_t,V_t)}{U_t} = m(\theta_t) \quad \text{(increasing in $\theta$)}. \]
\[ \alpha_t = \frac{M(U_t,V_t)}{V_t} = \frac{m(\theta_t)}{\theta_t} \quad \text{(decreasing in $\theta$)}. \]
\[ \lambda (1-U) = a\, U. \]
\[ U = \frac{\lambda}{\lambda + m(V/U)}. \]
\[ U = \frac{\lambda}{\lambda + m(V/U)} \]
Intuitively: - The return from employment includes: - Dividend: \(w(t)\). - Capital gain: \(\dot{V}_E(t)\). - Capital loss: \(-\lambda\bigl(V_E(t)-V_U(t)\bigr)\).
\[ rV_E(t) = w(t) + \dot{V}_E(t) - \lambda\bigl(V_E(t)-V_U(t)\bigr). \]
In Steady State:
\[ rV_E = w - \lambda (V_E - V_U). \]
\[ rV_E = w - \lambda (V_E - V_U) \]
Value Functions for Workers: - For \(V_E(t)\):
\[ rV_E(t) = w(t) + \dot{V}_E(t) - \lambda\bigl(V_E(t)-V_U(t)\bigr). \]
\[ rV_U(t) = b + \dot{V}_U(t) + \alpha(t)\bigl(V_E(t)-V_U(t)\bigr). \]
Value Functions for Firms: - For \(V_F(t)\):
\[ rV_F(t) = \bigl[y - w(t) - c\bigr] + \dot{V}_F(t) - \lambda\bigl(V_F(t)-V_V(t)\bigr). \]
\[ rV_V(t) = -c + \dot{V}_V(t) + \alpha(t)\bigl(V_F(t)-V_V(t)\bigr). \]
For workers:
\[ rV_E = w - \lambda (V_E - V_U). \]
\[ rV_U = b + a(V_E - V_U). \]
For firms:
\[ rV_F = (y - w - c) - \lambda (V_F - V_V). \]
\[ rV_V = -c + \alpha (V_F - V_V). \]
\[ V_E - V_U = \frac{w - b}{a + \lambda + r}. \]
\[ V_F - V_V = \frac{y - w}{\alpha + \lambda + r}. \]
\[ V_E - V_U = \phi \Bigl[(V_E - V_U) + (V_F - V_V)\Bigr]. \]
\[ w = b + \frac{(a+\lambda+r)\,\phi}{\phi\,a + (1-\phi)\,\alpha + \lambda + r} (y-b). \]
\[ w = b + \phi(y-b). \]
\[ rV_V = -c + \alpha \frac{y-w}{\alpha+\lambda+r}. \]
\[ rV_V = -c + \frac{(1-\phi)(y-b)\,\alpha}{\phi a + (1-\phi)\,\alpha + \lambda + r} = 0. \]
\[ \boxed{ \theta \Bigl( \phi + \frac{\lambda + r}{m(\theta)} \Bigr) = \frac{1-\phi}{c}(y-b-c) } \]
(Equation \(\ref{eq:VS}\))
\[ \boxed{ \theta \Bigl( \phi + \frac{\lambda + r}{m(\theta)} \Bigr) = \frac{1-\phi}{c}(y-b-c) } \]
(Equation \(\ref{eq:VS}\))
We now have derived:
The equilibrium occurs at point E where the two conditions intersect.
The levels of unemployment and vacancies are uniquely determined.
Can solve mathematically: substitute for \(\theta\) in the vacancies supply condition \(\eqref{eq:VS}\) from the Beveridge Curve \(\eqref{eq:beveridge_curve}\) to get equation for \(U^\text{EQ}\).
Then can solve for other variables like vacancies \(V^\text{EQ}\), employment \(E^\text{EQ}=1-U^\text{EQ}\), wage \(w^\text{EQ}\), etc. (though usually not in closed form).
There is in equilibrium due to matching frictions.
Firms’ entry decisions have externalities for workers and other firms: 1. Entry makes it easier for unemployed workers to find jobs, and improves their bargaining position when they do. 2. It also makes it harder for other firms to find workers, and also worsens their bargaining position when they do.\[7pt]
As a result, the decentralised equilibrium is generally . I.e., social welfare \(Ey + (1-E)b-(E+V)c\) is not necessarily maximized.
However, depending on which effect dominates, equilibrium employment can be either inefficiently high, or inefficiently low.
Determining which of these cases is correct is an important policy-relevant question.
We are interested in how matching frictions affect the cyclical behaviour of the labour market.
I.e., does a shift in labour demand have a larger effect on employment and smaller effect on the wage compared to the Walrasian case?\[7pt]
Shortcut: model cyclical change as a shift in \(y\) in the steady state.
An increase in \(y\) to \(y'\) does not affect the Beveridge Curve.
However, the vacancies supply condition \(\eqref{eq:VS}\) implies that the equilibrium labour market tightness increases from \(\theta\) to \(\theta'\).
The Vacancies Supply curve thus rotates up.
The new equilibrium is at point E’ with higher level of vacancies and lower unemployment.
Alas, the model , however.
When \(\theta\) increases, \(a\) rises and \(\alpha\) falls.
From equation \(\eqref{eq:wage}\), wage thus increases substantially with \(y\).
Large increase in the wage reduces incentives to create new vacancies.
Thus employment effects from shifts in demand are typically small.